Darum geht es in der Studie
E-Learning is in demand across the globe. And megatrends such as individualisation and connectivity are playing a decisive role. And people? Are eager to learn. Lifelong learning? Is one of the key drivers for distance learning – regardless of your circumstances or work situation. But how do you study in this day and age, in times of increasing digitalisation and globalisation? Preferably online. Prospective students can acquire important skills via e-learning – no matter where, no matter when. For targeted personal and professional development. Above all, there is a great desire for financial independence and better opportunities for advancement. No matter what country you live in. When it comes to distance learning, the high degree of flexibility is a decisive advantage. Four out of five people prefer an entirely online-based course of study, without face-to-face tuition. Half of them would even prefer “on demand” tuition in order to have maximum flexibility when studying. Despite all this digitality, students do not wish to be left to their own devices. Therefore, a functioning support system is also important when studying. For those polled, this primarily includes good reachability via email or messenger services, but also an online forum for communicating with other students. But how do you choose the right provider for distance learning? In addition to high-quality content, which many prospective students consider extremely important, the cost is the most important criterion in the international rankings. Furthermore, the providerʼs reputation and the attainment of an international degree play a decisive role. Distance learning is particularly suitable for those who already have their bachelorʼs degree under their belt – and are now aiming for a masterʼs. At least thatʼs what more than half of the respondents say. And when it comes to the type of course, part-time studies are more in demand than full-time. All things considered, e-learning courses have become an indispensable part of todayʼs world – especially on an international level. They can be adapted to suit your lifestyle, and can be individually and flexibly structured. And they offer enough freedom for a student to develop personally as well es professionally.
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Four important results
High level study. A masterʼs degree is in great demand. The majority of participants are interested in gaining this degree. The important elements for distance learning are recordings of online lectures as download (44.6 %). Almost half of all respondents would like to study without classroom sessions, but with online-learning on demand. Only 15.5 % want to study with obligatory classroom lectures at fixed times.
Learning for life. The urge to develop personally and learn for life is the biggest motivation for taking up online studies (41.2 %). Participants who would like to change professionally will mainly do so for financial reasons – some want financial security (40.7 %) and some more money to be able to afford more things (40.5 %).
Price beats content. A course of study? You have to be able to afford it. The price of the course is very important for the participants (38.6 %). Nevertheless for many of those surveyed, content plays a major role when choosing a study program (29.1 %). As well as the flexibility of the course model (27.7 %). An international degree (33.1 %) and the universityʼs reputation (30.8 %) are equally important factors when deciding on a course provider.
Always online. Reachibility via email or messenger plays a major role in distance learning. When it comes to having questions about their course content, the participants would like to be taken care of and supported preferably by video explanations on individual questions (43.1 %) and email reachability (43 %). They would prefer to communicate via messenger (41.2 %) than be supported by intelligent chatbots (26 %).
About this Study
Published: 21.09.2021
Survey of Young Professionals in 28 countries, 200 participants per country, except for Algeria (50 participants)
Countries: Algeria, Kenya, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Vietnam, Phillipines, Egypt, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Poland, Romania, Spain, South Korea, Italy, Saudi Arabia, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Netherlands, Canada, United States
Publisher: IU International University of Applied Sciences
Survey period: 04.12.2020 – 10.12.202
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