
Study locations

Discover at which IU International University locations you can attend courses for your myStudium.

Take part in the IU Open Campus Event!

Not sure what you want to study? Get to know the IU, your campus and the myStudium programme on 08 March.

Study on-site – or at the virtual campus

As Germany's largest state-recognized and accredited private university, we are very familiar with virtual forms of study and innovative study models. IU International University's myStudium combines campus life with great flexibility.

You have the choice of attending your courses at one of our 25 study locations in presence or at the virtual campus. Discover our IU locations for myStudium.

This is how the virtual campus works

For maximum freedom and the greatest possible flexibility, you can study 100% online. In our virtual classroom, you can take part in interactive seminars and take oral exams completely digitally.  

Your Semester Abroad: Study Worldwide, Experience Without Limits

Take advantage of the benefits of myStudium to enrich your studies with a semester abroad. Whether you want to explore new cultures around the world or build international connections, you can study flexibly from any location while seamlessly continuing your degree. This way, you combine maximum freedom with valuable international experiences.

Learn more about the semester abroad
Convinced? Then enrol now!

Register now for your myStudium course via our online application.

Our most popular study programmes

Duales Studium Soziale Arbeit

Bachelor Soziale Arbeit

Social work represents the best possible preparation for ensuring social justice and equal opportunities for children, young people and adults in all life situations. 

To Soziale Arbeit
Psychologie Berufe – Studierender lernt Kommunikation in der Psychologischen Beratung

Bachelor Psychologie

Your Psychology degree will make you think further and deeper in order to understand human behaviour and provide individual counselling. 

To Psychologie
Duales Studium BWL Steuerberatung

Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Business administration – sets an important milestone for a professional career as a generalist in the field of business administration. 

To Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Bachelor Wirtschaftspsychologie

Business Psychology – excellent preparation for better understanding and positively influencing people’s thinking, experience, action, and decision-making. 

To Wirtschaftspsychologie
Erfolgreicher Deal von Geschäftsleuten und Ärzten

Bachelor Gesundheitsmanagement

Health management enables people to convince themselves to maintain and improve their health. 

To Gesundheitsmanagement


You'll find all of the important information about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences in your personal brochure.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“