
Advice & FAQ

You've come to the right place with all your questions and concerns. Would you like to know more about studies at IU or find out which study programme suits you best? You'll find the answers here. Whether it's trial studies or a general information event - we've collected all the options for you on this page.

Titelbild für Infoseite “IU Studyfinder”: Studentin mit Laptop auf dem Schoß

Which study programme suits me ?

Titelbild für Infoseite “Studienberatung”: Studentin mit Smartphone in der Hand

Student advisory service

Titelbild für Infoseite: "duales Studium Studienfinder": Mädchen mit Smartphone

Compare study forms

Titelbild für Infoseite “Probestudium”: Studentin mit Tablet in der Hand

Trial month

Titelbild für Infoseite “Infoveranstaltungen”: Gruppe lachender Studierender

Information events

Titelbild für Infoseite “Häufig gestellte Fragen”: Studentin arbeitet konzentriert am Laptop im Wohnzimmer

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Titelbild für Infoseite “flexibel studieren”: Studentin  mit Sohn, während sie am Laptop arbeitet

Studying in any situation

Borderless education - just right for you

Are you looking for a modern University that offers you tailor-made study models? Then we, as Germany's broadest University, offer you the ideal conditions to realise your professional goals. And exactly the way you imagine it! 

Both the high quality of the individual study programmes and the practical teaching content for vocational training and further education ensure that IU International University regularly impresses with top positions in independent University rankings. In addition, numerous seals of approval, certificates and awards attest to the excellent performance of our University as well as the high level of satisfaction of our students - be it with regard to the qualifications of our teaching staff, the organisational and personnel structure or support measures. With your IU University studies, you can shape your future in your own personal way!  

The most modern teaching and learning concept in Europe

As the broadest* state-recognised and accredited private University with 130,000 students, about 480 professors, more than 1,000 lecturers, and over 15,000 practice partners, the IU International University of Applied Sciences is one of the most modern learning institutions in Europe. Your studies, your opportunities! (*by new students)

Tailor-made studies - suitable for every stage of life

We offer you an extensive catalogue of degree programmes that are always up to date with the latest research and teaching. You can choose to study 100% online or directly on site at one of our 28 locations - whether by distance learning, dual study or myStudies. You decide for yourself!

Highest quality standards for your IU studies

In order to ensure maximum quality standards, we rely on an innovative quality management system. The aim of this system is to sustainably ensure the quality of the services offered and to involve all lecturers and employees of the University. Your personal career goal is always at the centre of all measures.

Request free study brochure

Thank you for deciding to find out all about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences. Request your study brochure here - free of charge and without obligation.

Do you still have questions?

Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.

We support you. Right from the start.

Together we will find the best solution for your career path.

Just give us a call
*Available from Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

+49 (0) 30 31198810