
Studies of IU International University of Applied Sciences

For us, education should be accessible to all. That is why we invest in research that fundamentally deals with the future of learning and education and that thinks in all directions. Just like you! 

What does the future of learning look like? How important is it that our education keeps pace with the digitalised world and what does all this have to do with IU International University of Applied Sciences or you as a student? In our studies, we work out the most interesting and important facts about new learning, education and studies for you and your future. From the job market to digitalisation and the future of artificial intelligence. 

The IU Studies are self-published publications of the IU. These studies include qualitative and quantitative surveys among students, practice partners and IU professors.

IU Studie zu Demokratie und Demokratiebildung

Democracy and democracy education in Germany

Who is responsible for political education in Germany? The answer to this question and many facts about democracy can be found in this IU study.

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IU Studie zu Diversity und Inklusion

Diversity and Inclusion. Essential or optional?

How important is diversity and inclusion for tomorrow's skilled workers at their future employers? And what does this mean for companies?

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IU Studie ChatGPT & Co persönlich genutzt. Wie werden KI-Bots eingesetzt? Welchen Einfluss haben sie?

ChatGPT and the like for personal use. How are AI bots being used? What impact are they having?

Two-thirds of the respondents in this IU study are aware of AI technologies such as ChatGPT or Google Bard - and one-third have already used them. This is the impact AI bots have on our private lives.

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Studie der IU über die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf

Kids and Career. Can everyone have both?

How working parents organise family, care work and career. Fascinating insights and expert opinions on gender equality in German households.

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IU Studie Gleichberechtigung am Arbeitsplatz

Work and career. Equal opportunities for all?

Equal opportunities in the workplace is still an issue. Isn't it? Insights into the ideas and experiences of men and women - with and without leadership responsibility.

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IU Studie ChatGPT & Co in der Diskussion. Wie werden KI-Bots bewertet?

The impact of AI bots on our society

Does Artificial Intelligence improve our quality of life? Do AI technologies need to be regulated? What workers in Germany think about ChatGPT and the like.

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IU Kurzstudie Finanzielle Bildung. Wie steht es um das Finanzwissen in Deutschland?

Financial Literacy in Germany

Nine out of ten people in Germany find financial literacy quite to very important. But how good is financial knowledge really? This IU short study reveals.

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IU Studie ChatGPT & Co im Beruf. Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitswelt.

ChatGPT and the like: How AI bots are changing our working world

This IU study shows: Many workers in Germany see an impact of artificial intelligence like ChatGPT on their professional life. What does this mean for the work of the future?

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Learning with AI. Use of ChatGPT and the like for Learning.

AI bots like ChatGPT are changing education and learning. But is that really the case? Explore key facts and opinions on artificial intelligence tools such as AI bots to AI learning assistants, in our IU Short Study.

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Die IU Studie deckt auf, was junge Männer über soziale Berufe denken und was bei der Berufswahl zählt. Jetzt mehr erfahren!

Social professions: What young men think about it

Are social professions "women's professions"? What hurdles are seen in social professions? The IU short study uncovers how male students look at a career in social work.

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IU Trendstudie Fernstudium 2023 und Download

Trend study distance learning 2023: What makes students successful

Distance learning stands for self-determined education, lifelong learning - and pays off financially for almost 80 percent of graduates. This is shown by the major trend study on distance learning.

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Lifelong learning. What motivates us, what holds us back.

This study takes a look at workers motivation to learn concerning upskilling and lifelong learning.

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Applying for jobs while unemployed

This study examines application training for jobseekers and looks at the potential for improvement in the application process during unemployment.

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Christmas barometer 2022

The short study deals with the question of how Christmas will be celebrated in 2022 despite crises.

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Exam nerves. What's behind it

How does exam nerves develop? How do you overcome exam nerves? All the facts and expert tips in the IU study on exam nerves.

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The current inflation. How does it feel?

How do consumers perceive the actual inflation rate? This short study provides an overview of their feelings, expectations and worries.

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STEM education. What young women think about it.

Are STEM studies open for everyone? Many female school students are interested, but the hurdles are high. Find out what young women think about a career in STEM.

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How digital are our schools?

Digital education in Germany. How extensively do schools use digital media – and how well equipped are they? The most recent study conducted by IU presents facts and opinions on this topic.

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Learning motivation during unemployment

Learning during unemployment? Lifelong learning is the big issue, when it comes to education and further education.

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Home office in check

How coronavirus has revolutionised working from home. deeper insights into the perception of home office after two years of pandemic – and expectations for the future.

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Lasting job motivation

What motivates employees? What fosters long-term loyalty to the company? The trend study looks at which factors actually have an influence on motivation and satisfaction at work.

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AI in recruiting: Emotions, beliefs, expectations

What influence does artificial intelligence have on the candidate experience? The IU study shows what potential applicants think about AI in recruiting.

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Back to work – equal, educated, in demand?

Return to work: when going back to an old job is not possible. An in-depth look at the situation of those returning to work. 

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The future of upskilling 2021 - international

The study provides a comprehensive look at the international requirements of further education and its challenges.

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The future of upskilling 2021 - Deutschland

Die Trendstudie analysiert Erwachsenenbildung im Wandel in Deutschland und gibt einen umfassenden Blick auf die Anforderungen an Weiterbildungsangebote und ihre Painpoints im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung.

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Trend study on dual studies from the company’s perspective 2021

This trend study looks at dual studies from a different angle: the company’s perspective. The importance of dual students for companies, the demands on them, but also the challenges in times of Coronavirus. 

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International online learning 2021

The trend study shows that E-Learning is in demand across the globe. And megatrends such as individualisation and connectivity are playing a decisive role.

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Trend study dual studies 2021

How work experience and the perfect combination of theory and practice give students the best prospects for the future. 

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Trend study unemployment 2021

Crisis as opportunity? This study shows that unemployment does not necessarily mean hopelessness and that there is an urgent need for good further education opportunities. 

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IU Trendstudie Fernstudium 2021 als PDF zum Download

Trend study distance learning 2021: Digital learning becomes the new standard

The perfect study programme in our digitalised world? According to this study, one that enables flexible and self-determined further development. With e-learning and digital offers to success. 

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Artificial intelligence: The future of artificial intelligence in German companies

The relevance of AI in companies is increasing, but the goal of a more efficient world through artificial intelligence has not yet been achieved. Positive assessment by respondents: innovation as an opportunity for a growth-oriented future.  

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Future digital skills report - What digital skills will your workforce need in the future?

In the course of digitalisation, employees want further opportunities for development and investment in future digital skills such as data security or the use of digital tools. 

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Or our research team research@iubh.de 

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IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“