Forschungsequipment im Labor
Forschungsequipment im Labor

Research funding

Designing research strategically

IU International University of Applied Science conducts application-oriented research in its departments Hospitality, Tourism & Event; Transport & Logistics; Health; Social Sciences; Economics & Management; Marketing & Communication; IT & Technology; Design, Architecture & Construction and Human Resources. The basis of research funding at the IU International University of Applied Science is the research concept, in which all funding measures are defined and which reflects the underlying practice-oriented understanding of research and transfer.  

In accordance with the recommendations of the German Science Council (2021), this has been revised in recent months. The research infrastructure is currently being restructured. The goal is to establish various institutes, research centres and temporary incubators, which should also visibly sharpen the IU International University of Applied Science research profile to the outside world. 

Another pillar of IU International University of Applied Science research is the individual research of IU International University of Applied Science professors, which is supported and encouraged by various measures. More information on this can be found on the individual faculty websites. 

Dokumentenstapel auf Schreibtisch

Research Concept

The concept for the promotion of research at IU International University was approved by the Academic Senate on 21.6.2017, summarises the research promotion instruments of IU and was updated in 2023. The document can be viewed via the following link.

Research concept (PDF)

Research Incubators

A place to incubate ideas

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Research Center

Focused research on a priority topic

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Research Institutes

Devoted specialized long-term research

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Research funding instruments at IU include among other things:

  • Research sabbaticals  

  • Subsidies for the costs of conference participation in Germany and abroad  

  • Publication grants  

  • Open access support  

  • Reimbursement of travel expenses for internal meetings for research preparation-  

  • Administration of third-party funds by the IU administration  

  • Editorship of the IU Discussion Papers  

  • OEPM publication opportunities 

  • Support for digital and supra-regional networking of professors  

Services of the IU research office include among other things:

  • Contact and advice center for all research funding instruments  

  • Regular information on calls for proposals at federal / state, EU and foundation level  

  • Support in the application process 

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“