Titelbild für Infoseite "IU Kompass Projekte": Geschäftskolleg:innen im Gespräch
Titelbild für Infoseite "IU Kompass Projekte": Geschäftskolleg:innen im Gespräch

IU Compass Studies

Overview of the Compass Projects at IU International University of Applied Sciences

Since the beginning of the summer semester 2018, start-up funding has been available from the IU for larger quantitative survey projects. The university management invites tenders for start-up funding of 5,000 euros each year for the development of an annual survey tool as well as its construction and implementation.

The survey tools to be developed are to investigate specific questions of public interest on a defined topic area each year and be established as a brand (cf. CHE Ranking, IU Tourism Radar, etc.) in the research landscape and the public.

IU Kompass 2022-2024/25


Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Susanne Weber, susanne.weber@iu.org (project lead), Prof. Dr. Julia Pitters, julia.pitters@iu.org 

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Contact persons: Prof. Anne-Christin Goldstein, Prof. Miriam Irle, Prof. Felix Klingmüller, homeworkspace@iu.org

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IU Kompass Inklusion & Diversität

Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Benny B. Briesemeier, benny.briesemeister@iu.org (project lead), Prof. Dr. Gwendolin Bartz, gwendolin.bartz@iu.org 

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IU KOMPASS 2021-2023

Live FM: Fan Monitor

Contact person: Prof. Francisco Tigre-Moura francisco.tigre-moura@iu.org

Motivationskompass Healthcare

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Susanne Böhlich susanne.boehlich@iu.org

Smart Data Analytics

Contact person: Prof. Michaela Moser

IU-Kompass Extremismus

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kart

Belastungs-und Gesundheitsmonitoring in der frühen Bildung (BGB-Kompass)

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Christina Buschle c.buschle@iubh-fernstudium.de

IU KOMPASS 2020 - 2022

IU Kita-Kompass Vielfalt

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Andrea Beetz, Prof. Dr. Stefan Bestmann, Prof. Dr. Christina Buschle, Prof. Dr. Fabian van Essen 

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Educ Kompass Digitale Bildung

Contact person: Prof. Dr. André Hollstein and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kerzel 

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IU KOMPASS 2019 - 2021

BGM- Branchenkompass

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Stefanie André and Prof. Dr. Verena Renneberg 

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Mobility Kompass

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Christian Lucas 

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IU KOMPASS 2018 - 2020

Customer Centricity (CC)-Kompass

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Mischa Kolibius 

CFO Barometer

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Arne Schulke and Prof. Dr. Silke Jütte 

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Illustration Kontakt duales Studium: Weibliche Person an Schreibtisch mit Headset und Laptop

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