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Bachelor Mediendesign*

*Translated: Media Design. Only available in German

myStudium Mediendesign

There is hardly an area in which the digitalisation of society has such a direct impact as in communication with all its facets. This has completely changed the professional fields and challenges in the media sector. The core task of media designers has always been the creative preparation and transmission of information. In today's digital world, doing this successfully requires a multitude of new skills. Web design, cross-media strategies, video editing and app development are on an equal footing with the classic and equally important knowledge of typography and design, printing technologies and communication theory.

The aim of our Media Design myStudium programme is to provide you with in-depth knowledge in all areas of media design: Print, online, mobile, photo and video, infographics and presentation.

Create your own online portfolio in myStudium!
A convincing portfolio is the most important self-marketing tool for designers. In the Media Design myStudium programme, you will have the opportunity to create a convincing online portfolio.

Your benefits


IU is a state-recognised and accredited private university. The recognition confirms the high quality of both the study programmes and the teaching.


Simply decide for yourself whether you want to learn on campus or virtually. And benefit from a structured curriculum at the same time.


Our lecturers have many years of practical experience and can therefore convey their knowledge to you in a particularly practical way.


Degree, Duration & Admission

Degree: B.A., 180 ECTS credits Study

Duration: 6 Semesters

Admission: A-levels (Technical Diploma), Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or possible without A-levels. Please find further information under Admission.

Study Model & Examinations

Regular classes led by lecturers from the field at the location or virtual campus. In addition, digital self-study to prepare for face-to-face meetings. In addition, digital self-study to prepare for attendance phases. Exams can be taken at your location or flexibly online.


2-3 days per week in the attendance phase. Practical work with your fellow students under the guidance of experienced lecturers. Days and times vary depending on location/semester.


Aachen, Augsburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Chemnitz*, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Kiel, Köln, Leipzig, Lübeck, Mainz, Mannheim, München, Münster, Nürnberg, Regensburg, Rostock, Stuttgart, Ulm, Virtueller Campus, Wuppertal, Würzburg


Study program is state recognized. 180 ECTS - German AR-Seal, ZFU 1100219

Tuition Fees

379€ per month (plus 699€ graduation fee at the end of the program). All your learning and teaching material is already included in the fees.

Study-AI Syntea

Deepen your knowledge with Syntea and learn demonstrably more efficiently. Ask questions about the script and test your knowledge - verified by teachers!

Sounds good? Test now 1 month for free
Meet your study-buddy Syntea

We are the first university in Germany to have developed its own learning AI to help you study even more successfully:

  • Syntea is there to help you learn flexibly 24/7 - prooven to be more efficient!

  • You get answers to your questions about the script at any time, which our lecturers verify.

  • You can also test your knowledge: Syntea asks you specific questions about the material.

Study Content

This is what awaits you in your study programme Mediendesign

The Media Design myStudium programme will provide you with specialist methodological knowledge and creative presentation techniques. You will be able to apply the knowledge you have gained in practice. 

The focus is always on techniques of idea generation, the connection between form and content as well as aspects of visual communication. By teaching you how to use current software tools, we will round off your profile as a media designer.  

Our Bachelor's degree programme is modular. This means that you study different subject areas, which are divided into so-called "modules". Within these modules, there is usually an introductory course and an in-depth course that systematically prepare you for the completion of the module. Within the modules, you receive ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System) for each successful completion, which are a record of your achievements. These ECTS points are internationally comparable and of course, internationally recognised. 

Take a look at the module handbook and our exemplary study plan now! 

New: AI-Electives!

With our optional AI elective modules, you will learn everything you need to know about artificial intelligence during your studies and make yourself indispensable on the job market!

  • Learn everything from the basics of AI systems to prompting techniques*

  • We will discuss real use cases that you may encounter in your day-to-day work

  • Take the modules independently of your degree programme and still collect valuable ECTS Points

  • Become a specialist of the future! We are one of the first universities to offer you the best conditions on the labour market

*You can find more information on course content in the module handbook

IU Info Event

You have questions on myStudium? Get to know us!

This is why myStudium is worthwhile

In our video, you will learn what awaits you in myStudium and what advantages you will benefit from at the IU:

  • You learn in a particularly practical way in small study groups.

  • During your studies, you will be supported by study advisors and study coaches.

  • You decide whether you learn on site or on the virtual campus.

  • You receive discounts on services, subscriptions or branded articles from our partners.

  • We work with you to find the best solutions for financing your myStudium.

Note: Our videos are only available in German as of now.


Your career prospects in Mediendesign

Media designers can work in classic advertising or media agencies, in publishing houses or in television. They can also plan and implement advertising campaigns in the in-house advertising departments of larger companies. Other exciting options include becoming self-employed or working as a freelancer.

After graduation, you can work as a ...

Fotografin in ihrem Studio

Your costs and services

Only until 31.07.24
Full Time
Duration 36 months




Enroll by July 31st and get a discount with the code "SPRING2024"!
Additional Costs

Included services:

Classes in virtual classroom or on-campus

Use of our online campus

Test access to the myCampus learning platform directly after signing the contract

Correction of your final module exams

Teaching and learning material

Online exams

Instruction, supervision and evaluation of your bachelor thesis

Shipping costs for the study scripts (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)

Your direct link to us

Illustration Kontakt duales Studium: Weibliche Person an Schreibtisch mit Headset und Laptop

We will support you

Our student advisory service will help you if you have questions about your choice of degree program, the study locations or myStudium, for example.

Just give us a call
*Available Monday - Friday 8am - 7pm

+49 (0) 30 31193789

Recognition of previous achievements

Do you have vocational training or further education, work experience or have you already studied? Then have your prior learning recognised for your distance learning study programme! This will save you time and tuition fees - namely 30 euros per recognised ECTS point.

  • Verkürzung Deiner Studienzeit: Überspringe einzelne Module oder ganze Semester!

  • Studiengebühren sparen: Für jeden anerkannten ECTS-Punkt sparst Du 30 Euro.

Gerne prüfen wir schon vor Deiner Bewerbung fürs Fernstudium, ob und in welchem Umfang wir Deine Vorleistungen berücksichtigen können: unverbindlich und 100% online. Fülle dafür einfach unsere Online-Anerkennung aus.

Wenn Du Dir alle Vorteile unserer Anerkennung sichern willst, solltest Du nur darauf achten, dass Du Deinen Antrag noch vor Ende des Probemonats einreichst. Um Deine Studienzeit zu verkürzen, kannst Du Deinen Antrag zur Anerkennung von Vorleistungen jederzeit stellen – auch während Deines Studiums. Eine Kostenreduktion können wir Dir nach Ende des Probemonats allerdings nicht mehr gewähren.


Du brauchst Unterstützung bei Deinem Anerkennungsantrag? In unserem Leitfaden zur Anerkennung haben wir alle wichtigen Infos für Dich zusammengefasst.

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements

You can be admitted to the dual study programme at IU if you attend the IU application interview with your student advisor and meet one of the following requirements.

Please note that for our design degree programmes, in addition to your university entrance qualification, you must also prove your aptitude for design by taking a further examination (GEP/design aptitude test). The current correction period can be up to 6 weeks. Plan this period into your submission.

Sounds good? Test now 1 month for free

Frequently asked questions about the Bachelor Mediendesign

We have compiled the most important questions and answers for you here. If you still have questions, our student advisory service will be happy to help you.

Request free study brochure

Thank you for deciding to find out all about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences. Request your study brochure here - free of charge and without obligation.

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“